Campus Parking & Traffic
When arriving for student drop-off or pick-up, please use only the main parking lot or the church parking lot behind our school buildings. No student drop-off or pick-up is allowed in the small school lot off of Tanque Verde Loop - this lot is too small to ensure the safety of our students during drop-off and pick-up.
Pick-Up & Drop-Off Guidelines:
- Use only the main lot or church lot
- Pull forward to the nearest vehicle to ensure maximum available space in the line
- Consider parking in an open space instead of waiting in line
- Be aware of all county enforced traffic markings
- Take care not to block access to private property
To see the larger maps and the traffic flow through each lot please click on the images below.
Crossing Guard:
The crossing guard is only allowed to press the crosswalk button when children are present in the crosswalk. Our crossing guard is not authorized to direct traffic. Thank you for following the school zone speed limit.